
Showing posts from August, 2013
 Vienna, Austria Zone Vienna Zone Conference, Elder Spencer was able to help with a musical number and be the pianist for the meeting

playing, driving, hiking, oh and doing missionary work!

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Number one, thanks for the letter last week! Jace and Colson, your art is amazing! They brind the spirit into my study area so thanks for that! And Justin, thank you for your little devotional! I will definately use that this week with one of the members and I will report to you to tell you how it went! Last monday we went over to our Ward Mission Leaders house for dinner. The Schäffners are so stinking aweseome! Brü Schäffner served his mission in Czeck and after dinner we looked at all of his mission pictures! It was really fun! It was my turn to give the spiritual thought and I shared a scripture in Moroni 7. It was verses 27, and 29. They talk about miracles and that there are still miracles happening today! Because I am a missionary I am going to give you all a commitment. Anyone who is reading this email can do this activity. Every night before you go to bed, count the miracles that you saw that day. They can be small. For example, the other day we were running a little late an

hooray for people to share the Gospel with

 I will report on our investigators! Mario: He is so awesome! He is still meeting with us which is a miracle in itself! He keeps reading out the book of mormon and is finding the stories interesting. We have been teaching alot about prayer lately and trying to get him to pray about the Book. Unforuanately he leaves on vacation in the next couple weeks but hopfully we can meet with him when he gets back. We really struggle with staying on topic when we teach him. He has really deep questions and I think we need to just stick to the basics! and thanks for the scriptures dad, Ill use them next lesson! Fam Ancea: They are the Romanians that we met with a few weeks ago. The husband just got back from vaca, but his wife is still there. We set up an appointment to go back and teach about the Book of Mormon! Janic and Hagop: Oh man, these are my favorite!!!!! Janic is a less active member who live with his grandparents. His grandparents are active but he doesnt come. He is 18 years
EGrüss Euch! Ich hoffe daß alles gut geht mit euch!?!?! Es ist so wunderbar hier in Österreich zu sein! I thought about doing the whole email in German but you probably wouldnt really appreciate that! I feel like my german is coming along really well. I am so much more confident when I speak and I think people understand me ok! To start off, THANKS SOOOO MUCH FOR THE JOURNALS!!!!!! They are perfect! I hope they werent too expensive?! You can take the money out of my account if you want! Weekly highlights! Probably number one is chatting with RY right now! haha its like Im texting him! haha good think it isnt against the rules! SO this week. We did a lof of work with the members. We have set a mission goal that every companionship will have a baptism this transfer. We only have 4 more weeks to get that done so taking someone off the street will be pretty hard. But I do know that if we take some who knows a member, they will be way more likely to join the church. We just need to