Elder Botcherby and Elder Spencer on Twin day, in their very European shirts and skinny ties
A little check list that Elder Spencer made for us : Just if you could do anything for me it would be the following; 1. dont cry. 2. big banners and cheering and jumping and balloons and confetti, are embarrassing. (at least at the airport) 3. dont forget that I am still a twenty year old. I stink. Don't clean up 100% of the time and yeah. So if you are expecting some perfecto.....then wait for Ry to get home :) Goodbye to a good friend Brother Baumann Last pday activity at the Porsche Muesum (the first Porsche made ) missionary fun , trapped in the bedroom ...again heartfelt love from the Ellwangen primary the Ellwangen District And this wraps it up ! well , I love you see ya on Friday , For the Last time, ELder Spencer
Love their twin day and their skinny ties! Also love how HAPPY he looks!! Wow, and the poem he wrote is beautiful!! You have one amazing son!! :)